In Oak Room We Are Learning… (Term 4, 2024)

Mar 23, 2024

We Are Learning… To Notice Shapes, and Choose Items Based on their Shape for a Particular Purpose

Our maths focus this term is around SHAPES. We will be exploring and noticing shapes and pattern through placing and arranging activities, puzzles, loose parts play and building with construction resources.

We will also be creating pictures and patterns with paper shapes.

In the garden we will be going on a shape hunt and noticing the shapes we find and beginning to learn their names.

What shapes can you find around your home or on your journey to nursery?

We Are Learning… To Imitate Movements When Joining in with Songs and Music

We will be exploring and moving to different genres and styles of music from around the world, as well as creating our own music through singing, exploring instruments, and making our own instruments.

Karol from Willow room will be demonstrating some Columbian dancing.

If there are any parents with dancing or music skills that they would like to share with the children, please let us know.

We Are Learning… To Hear and Notice the Initial Sounds in Words

We will be noticing the initial sounds in our names, and other objects, through songs, games, and stories, such as B is for Baby by Atinuke.

We will be learning about alliteration, when words start with the same sound, and making up silly alliterative strings and tongue twisters— Lovely Leo likes licking lollipops, ten terrible tigers try teaching tennis.

Why not have a go.

We Are Learning… To Create and Persevere, Through Reading Jabari Tries by Gaia Cornwall

Jabari wants to make a flying machine, but it crashes. He needs to change his plans, think of different ways to achieve his goal, and maybe even let his little sister help!

We will be creating with boxes and loose parts and learning how to use different tools and resources safely to help us attach and join e.g., glue, tape, staplers, hole punches, string etc. Boxes are a great starting point for creative and imaginative play.

We can stack them, and climb in them, create cars, houses and spaceships, the possibilities are infinite.

Box Donations

From small food boxes for the home corner and for junk modelling, to large boxes that the children can get inside and use in their story telling and imaginative play.

We can’t wait to see what we can create.

Free Theatre Tickets

The Travelling Light Theatre Company presents IGLOO on Wednesday 21st February at 2pm at Oldbury Court Children’s Centre.

Limited seats are available. Please reserve a place at the office or call 9030405 (by Friday 9th February).

World Book Day 2024

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.

The children (and staff) can dress up as their favourite story book character.

Who will you be?

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