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    If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact the school office.

    Contact Little Hayes Nursery School

    Little Hayes Nursery School
    Symington Road
    BS16 2LL

    For queries and enquiries, contact the office

    Tel: 0117 903 0405

    Headteacher: Jet Davis
    Chair of Governors: Jill Gettrup
    SENDCo: Natalie Williams
    Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Tanya Tooby

    Contact Speedwell Nursery School

    Speedwell Nursery School
    Speedwell Road
    BS5 7SY

    For queries and enquiries, contact the office

    Tel: 0117 9030 329

    Headteacher: Jet Davis
    Chair of Governors: Jill Gettrup
    SENDCo: Natalie Williams
    Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Liz Allen

    Finding Us

    If you are coming up Speedwell Road from Whitehall there is a large block of flats on your left. Look out for the bus stop across the road and our blue 'Nursery School' sign that points up the pathway to our centre.

    If you are approaching us from the Kingswood direction, with the BBA School on your right, go straight across the mini roundabout on Speedwell Road. The bus stop is on the left and our blue 'Nursery School' sign points up the pathway to our centre.

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