Little Hayes and Speedwell Nursery Schools and Travelling Light on Bristol24/7

Sep 26, 2024

Little Hayes and Speedwell Nursery Schools have been featured on the Bristol24/7 website in a news article about Barton Hill-based children’s theatre company Travelling Light and their work with us.

Launching in October, Light up Language is a new project from Travelling Light that aims to improve children’s speaking and listening skills. It will be delivered at Little Hayes and Speedwell Nursery Schools.

Little Hayes Nursery took part in the pilot project earlier in the year, called Little Lights, and Jet Davis, our headteacher, is quoted in the article.

“It was inspirational for both children and staff, really allowing the children to explore their own stories in a way that was engaging, involving and a lot of fun.”

We’re excited to continue our work with Travelling Light through their Light up Language project.

Visit Bristol24/7 to read the article in full.

Photo credit: A Travelling Light workshop at Little Hayes Nursery – photo: Ed Felton

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