Updates from Owl Room – Childrens Kitchen, Mark Making, and Exploring Shapes (April 2024)

Apr 30, 2024

Recognising and Describing Shapes and Exploring How They can fit Together

Our Owls have been exploring shapes in a variety of ways lately. They have been stacking shapes attempting to make a very tall tower and seeing if some shapes stack well and which do not.

We even created large shapes on the floor, we led down and made circles, rectangles, and a triangle!

The Natural Environment and Minibeasts

Exploring our outdoor spaces is always one of our favourite things to do at nursery.

We have been bug hunting! Looking out for what bugs might be living in our garden! We found worms, snails, woodlice, and slugs!

What bugs have you found in your garden?

Children’s Kitchen

Claudia from the Children’s Kitchen visited and was helping us to explore healthy foods make some delicious dishes such as Pesto and Pasta salad.

It was a lot of fun to help cut the tomatoes and mix the pesto.

All the food we made tasted delicious!

Interesting Mark Making

Mark making is such an important skill to learn for our Owls. It provides the foundation to writing and drawing.

We have learned lots of different ways that we are able to produce marks using a variety of different mark making tools, such as chalk, pens, and paint.

We like to doodle and draw all sorts of things both inside and outside of the room!

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