In Oak Room We Are Learning… (September 2024)

Sep 17, 2024

We Are Learning… To Settle, Build Relationships and Find Out about the People in our Key Group.

We have been busy re-settling returning children and those moving up from Willow room, as well as welcoming new children and their families. We have been finding out which groups we are in and where we meet.

We are using visual registers, songs and games to learn the names of the children and adults in our key group. Which group is your child in?
Yellow, green or blue?

We are creating family boards and the children will enjoy sharing their family photos and talking about them. If you haven’t yet supplied a family photo, please email one to

It has been amazing to see how well the children are settling, exploring our learning environments and finding out where everything belongs.

We Are Learning… To Notice and Talk About Things that We Observe in The Natural World.

The children have been exploring the garden and noticing seasonal changes as autumn arrives.
Don’t forget, the children will be outdoors in all weathers and need a warm coat everyday throughout autumn and winter.

Welly boots can be left on their outside peg and waterproof trousers will be very useful on rainy days. Please name all items. Thank you.

We Are Learning… To listen to and Join in with Stories, Rhymes and Poems.

At the start of term we are revisiting traditional and sometimes familiar nursery rhymes using books, puppets and props.

Our core books this term focus on personal, social and emotional development (PSED) and the topics of feelings, separation, making friends and starting school.

We have a daily story time and the children will be learning to retell some of the stories using story maps (see over) and props.

We Are Learning… To Enjoy a Range of Books, Both Fiction and Non-Fiction.

We know how much children enjoy a story, particularly at bedtime, and how important it is for their language development and love of reading. To support this, we have given each child a book bag and the opportunity to borrow books every Wednesday to share at home.

Please remember to return the book, in the named book bag, each Wednesday ready to swap it for a new one.

We would also really love your feedback on which stories the children enjoy.

Find out more about sharing stories and supporting your child’s reading at

Starting School in September 2025

Don’t forget that children who were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will be starting school (reception) in September 2025.

Applications must be made before 15 January 2025. Now is a good time to visit schools, and many will have events and open evenings. Check on their websites.

For a handy guide and useful links for a positive transition to school, visit

Important Dates for Your Diary

Term dates 2024-2025

  • ​Term 1: 2 September 2024 to 25 October 2024 
  • (There will be staggered start dates and times for all returning and new children due to home visits and settling in sessions)
  • Term 2: 4 November 2024 to 20 December 2024
  • Term 3: 6 January 2025 to 14 February 2025
  • Term 4: 24 February 2025 – 4 April 2025
  • Term 5: 22 April 2025 to 23 May 2025
  • Term 6: 2 June 2025 to 22 July 2025

Inset Days 2024-2025
Nursery will be closed for staff training (Inset) sessions on the following days.

  • Term 1 – Wednesday 2nd October – Whole day
  • Term 2 – Wednesday 4th December – Morning (8.30am – 12.30pm)
  • Term 3 – Wednesday 5th February – Whole day
  • Term 4 – Wed 5th March -Afternoon (11.30am – 3.30pm)
  • Term 5 – Wednesday 4th June – Morning (8.30am – 12.30pm)
  • Term 5 – Wednesday 18th June – Afternoon (11.30am – 3.30pm)
  • Term 6 – Wednesday 2nd July – Whole Day         
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