We Are Learning… To Explore, Copy and Create Simple Patterns
We are introducing some new mathematical resources to explore pattern, shape, and size, as well as thinking about the pattern and sequence of the daily routine and in stories (using language such as first, now, next, after, and later).
Linked to our core book we are learning about size (small, medium, and large), length and height (short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, tall, taller, tallest) the numbers 1,2,3, and ordering (first, second, third).

We Are Learning… To Be Independent
We will continue to explore the outdoors in all weathers. The children will be learning to be independent by changing their shoes and putting on their own coats and waterproofs. We are teaching them the coat flip method. Watch and learn together here. It really helps their independence if they wear shoes that are easy to put on and do up.
Please remember to name their shoes and clothes, so that they can find them at the end of the day, and provide spare clothes each day in case they get wet or muddy. Thank you.
We Are Learning… To Create and Tell a Story of Our Own
Our core book is the traditional tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We are reading different versions and noticing the similarities and differences between the versions. We are using story maps to re-tell the story and creating our own actions.
We will be continuing to think about characters, settings, problems, and solutions in our Tales Toolkit story sessions and adapting stories with our own characters and ideas.
We will be using our voice sounds, creating different voices for the characters—a deep, gruff voice for daddy bear, a high voice for mummy bear and a tiny, squeaky voice for baby bear. Why not use the story map attached to re-tell the story together at home.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Once upon a time there was a daddy bear, mummy baby and baby bear, who went for a walk in the forest. Goldilocks saw the door was open and went inside.
First, Goldilocks tasted the bowls of porridge.
The first bowl was too hot! The second was too cold!
But the last one was…just right! So, she ate it all up.
Next, Goldilocks sat on the chairs.
The first chair was too hard! The second chair was too soft!
But the last one was…just right! But she broke it!
Then, Goldilocks was tired and saw the beds. The first bed was too rough! The second was too smooth!
But the last one was…just right! And Goldilocks fell asleep!
Suddenly, the Bears came home!
Baby bear started to cry.
Who’s been eating my porridge? They ate it all up and left none!
Who’s been sitting in my chair? They sat in the chair and broke it!
Who’s been sleeping in my bed? They slept in my bed, and they are still in it!
Just then, Goldilocks woke up! Aaaagh! ‘A bear!’ screamed Goldilocks. Aaaaagh! ‘a girl!’ screamed the bears and they all ran away.
And the bears never forgot to lock their front door again!
The End.
Download the Story Map below.
Visitors to Our Nursery
We are delighted to welcome back Ellie, an early year’s music specialist from Bristol Beacon who will join us for singing and musical exploration sessions.
Mike and Fifi from The Travelling Light Theatre Company will be coming in to use drama and other creative interventions to support and develop children’s oracy, speaking, listening and communication skills.

We Are Learning… To Follow Recipes
We have been learning about where porridge comes from and how to follow instructions in a recipe.
The children have been making their own porridge, trying different toppings, and voting for the ones they like best.

Home Learning Links
We will be sharing a range of books linked to our core text and mathematical themes at nursery, as well as sending some books home to share as a family. If your child doesn’t have a book bag, please let us know.
The Words for Life website has some fantastic reading ideas and activities to support your child’s learning at home.

The Early Childhood Maths Group also has some great ideas to promote mathematical thinking at home.