We Are Learning… To Join in and Copy Simple Patterns, Particularly in Sounds and Actions
We will be using patterns of actions in songs and stories, as well as thinking about the pattern of the daily routine, with language such as first, now, next, after, and later.
Linked to our core book we will be learning the vocabulary of size (small, medium and large), height (short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest) numbers 1,2,3 and ordering (first, second, third).

We Are Learning… To Be Independent
We will continue to explore the outdoors in all weathers. The children will be learning to be independent by changing their shoes and putting on their own coats and waterproofs.
We are teaching them the coat flip method. Watch and learn together here. It really helps their independence if they wear shoes that are easy to put on and do up.
Please remember to name their shoes and clothes, so that they can find them at the end of the day, and provide spare clothes each day in case they get wet or muddy. Thank you.
We Are Learning… To Take Part in Shared Reading and Tales Toolkit activities, and Respond to the Features of Stories
Our core book is the traditional tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We are using props and story maps to re-tell the story and creating different voices for the characters—a deep, gruff voice for the big Billy Goat Gruff, a tiny voice for the little Billy Goat Gruff and a scary troll voice.
We will be continuing to talk about characters, settings, problems and solutions in our Tales Toolkit story sessions and using the story props in our play. The children are loving exploring our exciting new Tales Toolkit area.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Once upon a time there were 3 Billy Goats Gruff.
Little Billy Goat, Bigger Billy Goat and Biggest Billy Goat Gruff.
One day, they went for a walk over the bridge to eat the sweet green grass.
But Uh Oh! Under the bridge there lived a very hungry TROLL!!!
First, Little Billy Goat went over the bridge…. Trip Trap Trip Trap
The Troll said…. Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge? I’ll eat you up!
No, you won’t! Said the goat. You can eat my brother he’s bigger than me.
And he ran away, over the bridge to eat the sweet grass.
Next, Bigger Billy Goat went over the bridge…Trip trap trip Trap
The Troll said…. Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge? I’ll eat you up!
No, you won’t! Said the goat. You can eat my brother, he’s bigger than me.
And he ran away, over the bridge to eat the sweet grass.
Finally, Biggest Billy Goat Gruff went over the bridge…Trip trap Trip Trap
The Troll said…Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge? I’ll eat you up!
No, you won’t! Said the goat. And he ran at the Troll with his two huge horns and bumped him off the bridge and into the water
And he ran away, over the bridge to eat the sweet grass.
The three Billy Goats Gruff lived Happily Ever After.
Download the Story Map below.
Home Learning Links
While children are moulding play dough into different shapes, they are building up strength in their tiny hands. The act of manipulating, squishing, rolling, and flattening helps the children to develop muscles in their hands that they need for fine motor movements, such as holding a pencil or using scissors.
This term, as well as exploring playdough, we will be using clay and other malleable materials.
You can create your own playdough to explore together at home with this easy recipe.
What will you create?