We Are Learning… To Notice, Explore and Experience Shapes
Our maths focus this term is around SHAPE. We will be exploring and noticing shapes in the environment, in books and in our creative exploration.
Adults will be using informal language e.g., slanty, pointy, twisty, wiggly, bumpy as well as mathematical names e.g., triangle, rectangle, circle, square.
What shapes can you find around your home or on your journey to nursery?
We Are Learning… About Dancing and Exploring Moving in a Range of Different Ways
We will be listening and moving to music from around the world, as well as creating our own music through singing and exploring instruments.
Karol will be teaching us some Columbian dancing.
If there are any parents/carers or family members with dancing or music skills that they would like to share with the children, please let us know.
We Are Learning… To Explore Colour and Notice how Colour can be Changed
We will be reading Colour and Me by Michaela Dias-Hayes and Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh to support our colour mixing activities.
We will also be creating with boxes and using them in our role play and storytelling. Boxes are a great starting point for creative and imaginative play.
We can stack them, and climb in them, create cars, houses and spaceships, the possibilities are infinite.
We Are learning… To Explore and Experiment with a Range of Media and Materials
We will be offering a range of different materials and encouraging the children to explore and make marks in different ways e.g. fingers in cornflour gloop, sticks in mud, hands, and feet in paint etc.
We always encourage the children to wear aprons and roll up their sleeves but sometimes they still get dirty. This usually means they are having a good time!
Please remember to send your child to nursery in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
We Welcome Donations of Boxes of all Sizes
From small food boxes for the home corner and for junk modelling, to large boxes that the children can get inside and use in their story telling and imaginative play.
We can’t wait to see what we can create.
Don’t forget Your Bookbag
Please remember to bring your book bag in every Wednesday to choose a different book to share at home.
For those children in nappies, please can you supply wet wipes, nappies, and spare clothes every day.
Thank you
World Book Day 2024
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.
The children (and staff) can dress up as their favourite story book character.
Who will you be?