We Are Learning… About Similarities, Differences and Changes in Nature and the Wider World
In the garden we are noticing signs of spring and the changes as plants and trees grow buds and leaves, and flowers and blossom start to appear.
We will be growing cress and planting and caring for beans and seeds. The beans won’t grow as quickly as Jack’s magic beans, but we can see how they grow in this amazing video.
We will also be looking at baby photos and noticing how we have grown and changed. If you haven’t already sent your child’s baby photo, please email to tanya.tooby@bristol-schools.uk

We Are Learning… To Listen to and Re-tell the Story of Jack and the Beanstalk
Linked to our activities around growing, our core book this term is Jack and the Beanstalk.
We will be reading the Nick Sharratt rhyming version, as well as alternative versions to notice the similarities and differences between the stories.
We will be using story maps, props, and story stones for re-telling, as well as learning a sung version, complete with actions

We are learning… To Select Blocks Appropriately to Construct a Model, and Beginning to Describe ‘What’, ‘How’ and ‘Where’
Our maths focus is spatial reasoning which involves how we understand location (where things are positioned and where they are in relation to other things), dimensions (for example, how long something is or how big something is, and the properties of objects (such as spiky or flat).
There will be lots of opportunities to explore spatial reasoning in our new and improved block area.
Follow the link to find out what spatial reasoning looks like at different ages.

Home learning—Find Out About the Walk and Talk Trail
The free walk and talk trail are a set of cards designed to support parents and carers of 0 to 5-year-olds to talk and play more with their children while they are out and about engaging in their daily routine.
The cards have been produced by the National Literacy Trust to support the Start for Life campaign.
Designed to be used in an urban environment, the cards provide a range of tips and activities that can be completed anywhere outside.
The aim being to increase the frequency of interactions and enhance the quality of interactions between parent or carer and child. Find out more on the link below. Translated versions are also available.

Free Online Learning
Families in Focus are excited to launch a new package of FREE online learning for every parent and carer in Bristol. The courses have been developed by the Solihull Approach, alongside the NHS and parents. The learning is for everyone, not only for when parents are struggling.
The courses cover a whole range of topics including:
*Pregnancy and post-pregnancy support
*How to understand your child or teenager’s mental health
*Help for understanding relationships
*Support for children with additional needs
*Courses for teenagers to help them understand their mental health and feelings.
You can access the courses through this link Family Hubs virtual offer or by taking these 5 simple steps:
- Go to the Solihull Approach
- Go to inourplace tab on front page
- Click on Apply Access Code tab
- Enter code : GROWING
- Answer the monitoring questions and add your Bristol postcode, and you ready to go.